Covering The Disasters!

Whenever disaster strikes you can be sure that there are dedicated, talented professionals on call not only to handle any problems the disaster might cause, but also to report on the ramifications of the event to the public at large in order to keep them informed and involved. It can be a difficult, thankless job at times, and not for the faint of heart. We honor the men and women who rise to these daunting occasions.

But covering The Disasters at Loophole Comics is an entirely different, not to mention much more rewarding, proposition! As we’ve outlined in the past, Micah Myers has put together an incredible comics story with the help of artists Bobby Simpson, Marie Enger, Morgan K. Sawyer and Joe Badon. But even the most beautiful contents will rarely draw the eye without an equally beautiful package to contain them.

That’s where the cover artists of The Disasters come in! And yes, you heard right… we said artists, not artist. We’re going plural with this one, Loopholics!

First up is the main cover to the first issue of The Disasters:


This cover was done by artist Paul Gori! Yes, THAT Paul Gori, the artist of Loophole Comics’ Oathbound, the fantasy/western epic co-created by him and one half of the dynamic duo known as the Word Bros., Kevin Cuffe! Paul handled the art chores from pencils to inks, and then regular Adamant colorist Josh Jensen jumped in to work his magic. Micah (talented guy that he is) added all the lettering bells and whistles, and a cover was born! We’re so proud…

Next up we have the first variant cover to Issue #1 of The Disasters:


Tried and true Loopholics should be familiar with artist Rachel Ordway from her fabulous work on another Loophole Comics title, The Elvis Adventures. Rachel brings the same manic cartoon intensity to this cover, and The Disasters are all the better for it. According to Micah, “Rachel had the idea for The Disasters to do a mugshot selfie!”

Okay, well… first, that’s pretty much one of the best ideas for a cover about a motley crew of D-list supervillains ever. And second, as far as we’re concerned Rachel absolutely nailed it!

And last, but in no rational way can we say least, there’s the final variant for the first issue of The Disasters:


It’s a (not)well-guarded secret here at Loophole HQ that Snowglobe from The Disasters might be the most beloved of all the Loophole Comics stable of characters yet! So it’s probably pretty obvious how we feel about a cover that has his globe-like mug plastered all over it. Artist Drew Moss crafted a masterpiece here, Loopholics, and it’s only bolstered by the brilliant tones laid upon it by colorist Josh Jensen (him again!) and the lettering prowess of Micah Myers (him too!).

We think it’s safe to say that you’re not liable to find three better covers for a single issue of comics goodness anyplace else out there on the internet. And even if by some miracle you do, we can for darn sure guarantee it ain’t nothing like The Disasters!

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