REVIEW – Oathbound #1 – ComicBooked

Saddle up, Loopholics! And gallop on over to COMICBOOKED to check out their review of Oathbound #1! Yes, we certainly do realize this review was posted waaaaaaay back in 2016, but… that shouldn’t keep you from reading what those white hats over at Comicbooked have to say about Loophole’s first, best and only fantasy/western mash-up! And if ya need some convincin’, hunker down here next to the fire and get a load of some snippets of what they had to say!

Oathbound is heavily influenced by spaghetti westerns, specifically an all time classic in Once Upon A Time In The West.

Truer words weren’t never spoken, I says!

Gunslinging humans, pointy eared elves, nasty little goblins, and magic; not sure what else they have planned but I can’t wait to see how much fantasy they throw in this spaghetti mess of a western.

Mmmmm. Spaghetti. And all that other stuff sounds pretty durn good too!

Paul Gori’s artistic style is particularly fun and his style falls within my personal category of perfect comic book art.

And ours as well! Paul’s art is like riding into the sunset after liberating a small town. As satisfying as it gets.

Our deepest gratitude and tip of the hat to Comicbooked’s Ian Yarington for the review of Oathbound #1, available to read in its entirety right HERE. And if you like the review, then you’re sure as shootin’ going to love the comic itself, available on Comixology for the rootin’, tootin’ low price of $1.99!


Giddy on up and check it out!

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